Dolphin emulator memory card file
Dolphin emulator memory card file

This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Dolphin Emulator or Nintendo. If it's invalid, the program will ignore the value and use a default of 1. You can change max_backup to a number of your choice. You can override this in the command using -r or -region followed by the region, e.g. You should configure region as defined in the file. It enables you to convert media files to your desired file type. If your specific game saves is in game1 in the parent save_dir (full path: /home/user/GCN/saves/game1), then use game1 in the command as sub_dir. Dolphin Emulator users can pause the execution, dump RAM, and poke memory without the. Your save_dir is ~/GCN/saves (equivalent to /home/user/GCN/saves). Windows may work but will remain untested. Under 'Value Data', enter the path to the custom User directory. Double click the 'UserConfigPath' value and an Edit String dialog appears. Right click the new Dolphin Emulator key, and select New > String Value. Other *nix derivatives should work fine, but no guarantees will be made. Right click Software and select New > Key. ⚠ Note that this setup has only been tested on Debian-like distros. This code is designed around the following: ⚠ Note that although this program attempts to manipulate files in a safe manner (using symlinks, for example), restore is a destructive procedure that overwrites the save file with the backup. h, -help show this help message and exit

Dolphin emulator memory card file